Marden J. Clark

MARDEN ]. CLARK, who taught English at Brigham Young University until his retirement (1981), worked into this poem a story he heard in a Sunday School lesson while traveling in southern Utah. The teacher, from Hawaii, told how people would risk their lives running far down the beach for baubles as the tide was coming back in. Among his publications are Modern and Classic: The Wooing Both Ways (Merrill Mono￾graph Series, BYU, May 1972), About Language: Contexts for College Composi￾tion, with Soren Cox and Marshall Craig (New York: Scribners, 1970), Morgan Triumphs (novel) (Salt Lake City: Orion Books, 1984), two collections of po￾ems-Moods: Of Late (Provo, Utah: BYU Press, 1979) and Christmas Voices (Orem, United Order Books, 1988)-and Liberating Form: Mormon Essays on Religion and Literature (Salt Lake City, Aspen Books, 1992). He and his wife, Bessie Soderborg Clark, taught at the University of Qing Dao, China (1989-90), and traveled to every continent. He also wrote a column, "Matter Unorganized" for the Provo Daily Herald (1994-2002). He died May 15, 2003.

Life to the Spirit: A Rejoinder

Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 4

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Sonnet: On His Blindness to Autumn

Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 3

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Life to the Spirit: A Rejoinder

Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 4

My first reaction to Mr. Christmas and Mr. Driggs was to hurry back to my essay to see if I had really said those things. I seemed to be hearing myself through a kind of…

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Art, Religion and the Market Place

Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 4

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Some Implications of Human Freedom

Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 2

Let me begin by admitting that my title, and perhaps my entire paper, begs a major philosophical question. I am well aware of the age-old debate over the reality of free will. I am aware of…

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On the Mormon Commitment to Education

Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 4

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God’s Plenty

Articles/Essays – Volume 11, No. 1

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Toward a More Perfect Order Within

Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 4

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Much of a River

Articles/Essays – Volume 17, No. 3

I guess it wasn’t really much of a river, only thirty feet wide or so where it had enough fall to ripple over the rocks. Except during the spring runoff. Then it filled and sometimes…

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Lightning Barbs

Articles/Essays – Volume 18, No. 3

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This Is My Body

Articles/Essays – Volume 18, No. 4

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“I’d Rather Be…”

Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 3

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August 6

Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 2

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On X-ing

Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 3

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Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 4

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Razor Sharp

Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 1

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Aug 6, 2010

Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 2

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