Michael Fillerup

MICHAEL FILLERUP {[email protected]} A native of southern California, Michael Fillerup is the author of numerous short stories, a short story collection Visions and Other Stories, two novels (Beyond the River and Go in Beauty), and mounds of obscure, unpublished, illegible drafts. According to his son Benjamin: “My father is the best unread author I’ve never read.” Michael is the founder and former director of Puente de Hozho Tri-lingual School and the creator of the Indigenous Language Revitalization Summer Institute. He lives in northern Arizona with his wife, Rebecca, who doubles as his best friend and confidant, ruthless editor, and full-time Muse.

IN MEMORIAM: Elouise Bell (1935–2017)

Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 4

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Brother Anderson Counsels His Son the Night Before Being Sealed “For Time and All Eternity” in the Salt Lake Temple

Articles/Essays – Volume 12, No. 1

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The Renovation of Marsha Fletcher

Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 2

Marsha crumpled the letter into a ball and hurled it across the living room. It caromed off the TV screen and rolled a few feet before settling in the middle of the carpet. Once again…

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Hozhoogoo Nanina Doo

Articles/Essays – Volume 18, No. 4

Max Hansen dipped his brush into the can and reached to the ceiling, spreading paint thickly and smoothly across the plyboard surface. He paused a moment, listening to a faint tapping sound. Rain? No. A…

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The Bowhunter

Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 4

Jack slowed down, looking for a sign. Seeing none, he sped on down the highway, grumbling to himself. Dean could have given more specific directions — or better, first-hand instructions, not this friend-of-a-friend nonsense. It…

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Apple Indian

Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 4

She rarely blew her cool and never ever swore, but—”Dammit! Hell!”  The metal stirring spoon rebounded off the sink and took a bite out of the kitchen wall.  The real Tracy Sequaptewa?  She glared at…

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Gifts of the Spirit

Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 3

Brother Rice, the first counselor, says the bishop thinks the young people might be more responsive to someone who, oh, speaks a little more their language. Then he smiles, hands me the Sunday school manual,…

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The Seduction of H. Lyman Winger

Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 2

There were times, especially lately, when he wondered if he were doing any real good—any human good—other than keeping the Mt. Taylor 2nd Ward safely afloat and on course.  Maybe it was the weather. Monsoon…

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Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 4

My wife, Freida, could have worked for Cecil B. DeMille or Steven Spielberg, given her cast-of-thousands knack for the spectacular. Take to night, for instance. In the name of fellowshipping, and to beef up our…

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The Last Code Talker

Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 1

DZEH-NESH-CHEE-AH-NAH-TSIN-TLITI-TSAH-AS-ZIH. Elk-Nut-Eye-Match-Yucca. His grandfather used to say the bilagaanas always come in twos. The first time he was barely five years old, playing on a sand dune near their hogan west of Valley Store.  He…

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In a Better Country

Articles/Essays – Volume 42, No. 1

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly home . . . Heb. 11:16 “You don’t have to go,” she whispered, the morning grogginess in her voice betraying an urgency that was…

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