Susan Elizabeth Howe

SUSAN ELIZABETH HOWE {[email protected]} Susan Eliza￾beth Howe’s second poetry collection, Salt, was published in 2013; her third is in the works. Her poems have recently appeared in Poetry, Pleiades, Atlanta Review, Western Humanities Review, and other journals. A reviewer and contributing editor of Tar River Poetry, she lives with her husband Cless Young in Ephraim, Utah, and loves southern Utah’s spectacular canyons and deserts.

Review: Traveling “the undiscovered country” Stephen Carter, ed. Moth and Rust: Mormon Encounters with Death

Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 2

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The Goodness of Created Things

Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 4

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My Sadness

Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 3

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The Skin of the Story

Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 3

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The Unreliable Narrator: Or, A Detour Through Pecadillo | Patricia Hart Molen, Little Sins

Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 1

“What was a nice girl like Florence doing in a Cuban bordello—stone cold dead?” As the question from the cover indicates, this paperback is packaged to sell as a murder mystery, the kind one picks…

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Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 1

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Celebrations: Things Happen: Poems of Survival by Emma Lou Thayne

Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 2

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I Am Watching Four Canada Geese

Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 3

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“I Do Remember How It Smelled Heavenly”: Mormon Aspects of May Swenson’s Poetry

Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 3

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The Danish Genesis of Virginia Sorensen’s Lotte’s Locket

Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 1

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