Dixie Lee Partridge
DIXIE PARTRIDGE {[email protected]} is a frequent contributor of poetry in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, and other periodicals. She lives in the Columbia Basin in the state of Washington and writes frequently about it and the landscape of her childhood in Idaho.
Night Lines
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 04
It was the high Uintas,
evening of our first day-hike
with grandchildren . . . their lives until then
seeming distant, clustered and glowing
as the far Pleiades to our gazing.
Under an Illness of the Moon
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 04
No words make a difference
against the child’s cries and damp heat—
only the rocking, rocking,
From Downstream
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 3
Whatever landscape a child is exposed to early on, that will be the sort of gauze through which he or she will see all the world afterward.—Wallace Stegner They must have had names. To us…
Read moreNoted in the Dark
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
Some nights here there’ve been singings the children out into twilight . . . their countings,their hidings, their ally ally oxen frees.And sometimes the crickets were not sounding bereft but offered impressions you needed to hear. Now in…
Read moreThese Are the Hours
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
when birds disappear taking strips of light folded in feathersnight insects ready themselves for meals from leaves of rose and raspberrythe hollow by the lane pools with evening like waterno moonrise cool radiance but night…
Read moreVantage: Hoback Rim to Wind River
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
Closed to drift most of the year,trails descend through short lives of wildflowersbright in colonies, August air verging on frost,its thin metallic edge:snow squalls visible aheadwhere a continent divides.Life stays steep. Nothing in the view…
Read moreThe Days Between—After Leaving Our YoungestAt College
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
It’s turning fall in this long alley of young trees,poplar leaves still and golding in deep shade.You see no one and hear not even birds. But the pale trunks together seem to humlike choir rows,…
Read moreNocturne, October
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 4
The chapel dark, organ pipes glow
moon-silver. Silence
is filled: after-ripples,
the aura of living tones,
Bach, Handel.
On Seeing Part of a Cast Iron Stove, Rusting Behind a Shed
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 4
We didn’t know they were hard times,
even though that winter they had to borrow our hoard:
seven dollars from me and five from my sister.
Our days were the usual homemade loaves,
peaches we’d bottled, our own half-beef in the locker,
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 4
You are required to keep the poundage low:
two large cases and a carry-on:
what you take for months overseas.
In a year of famine, you have volunteered
Abandoned Farmyard, November
Articles/Essays – Volume 22, No. 3
Today I saw near a barn
the bed and crossbar of an old hayrack,
sunk into earth like the hull of a boat,
a dying thistle bloom grown out
Cliff Dwellings
Articles/Essays – Volume 22, No. 3
Here, rock has a soft face
and wind moves above like spirit.
I listen down the long slant
of switchback trails, steps carved
where red rock accordions through the canyon.
One of the Women
Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 3
One of the women inside me
cannot rejoice with anyone.
She stays in the shadows
bowing her head.
Her long hair has never been cut.
Words for Late Summer
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 2
Cornmeal, dusted over these loaves
like pollen. And I wish again
for the old unwritten recipes: brown breads,
chicken baked in a wrap of cornmeal,
family reunion picnics I can’t match
with my own.
One Sunday’s Rain (After Word of My Father’s Illness)
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 3
All morning: rainwater
off the roof onto pebbles
washed smooth of pale soil
in the garden.
Night Myths
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 1
Sleepless with fever,
under one small lamp you stared
at a cherry wood cabinet, dark whorls
spiraled like galaxies and polished
Notes for a Son, 19, Living Abroad
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 1
Often when entering sleep
I start awake, your form having drifted
into vision, your name embedded
in the thickness of my tongue.
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 1
The fairytales were wrong:
to identify big feet
with wicked stepsisters, ugly with unloved,
princes and frogs with anything
Leave of Absence
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 3
walk out and arrive
near the lake—
any route taken
leads eventually
to this
Movements Giving Off Light
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 1
Drops of water stretch and hold
in the sunlight: the small icicle
sways from the eaves in the thaw.
I see it fall
because I have come to the window
at this moment.
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 1
I did not plan survival or otherwise
craving absence for so long
so when awakened that snowless night
Saturday: One Version (Fourth Week of an Unidentified Illness)
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 2
Tired of enclosure, I sit near what view
of trees and sky my house will give.
Across the back fence, my neighbor
who can hardly walk
Bread: A Returning
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 3
In the hayfields are loaves
to be lined along barns.
Like monuments to a lost art
they have browned in the summer heat,
Descending Order
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 4
Snow falling into the pond
leaves you weak with its metaphor
of sadness, as though all that makes you
could be instantly broken down,
Moon Phases: Childhood
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 2
when it topped the mountains
the shell of moon laid down
such plenty
all over the fields
Mountain Turn-out: Week After My Father’s Funeral
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 2
In the ghost-smoke of eight thousand feet,
the road back looks deserted.
Below me, a hawk rises,
wings throbbing stillness, and I watch
“Watercress Grows Best in Running Water”
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 3
Days after his death, I felt him
newly jovial alongside me. And weeks later,
when I again dreamed him young,
handing me a pail of watercress,
After a Late Night, Waiting
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 4
Again, that rim before sleep:
I tried to pause there—listened
to the mantle clock, the distant
sprung rhythm of a dog barking,
Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 1
Once on the porch I asked
great-grandfather Porter a question
loudly and he said wait
though he was just sitting still
his face raised to low sun
eyes half-open
Above the Estuary (Before the trail closure through Cascade Preserve)
Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 1
The river’s long curve
enters the bay in streak between meadow
and forest—algae green of freshwater,
kelp green of salt.
Night Light
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 2
With a neighbor who couldn’t tolerate light,
I took stairs in the dark,
felt for knobs and shapes
of cabinets in windowless rooms. At home,
Night Work Near Escalante
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 3
After dawn we hike through fine rain,
but the light is good, only slight
cellophane distortion as we look through
at trees and stream, box canyon walls
Movement: Out of Doors, Out of Town, In Dangerous Times
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 1
To that lit spot ahead
is as far as you’ll walk:
open green, bounded by pale shrubs
you can’t name, sky
in clabbery cloud, light blue showing through.
Storm coming, your father would say.
The Riverbank, Late Winter: Living North
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1
A lined calendar of empty trees
turns the cold
consolable. Even light this dim
is an invitation.
The Fall of My Fiftieth Year
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1
Winter already edging down
from mountain passes, I walk past
our first town cemetery, filled with upright
markers and gold-red trees.
It’s had no vacancies for years.
Eighteen Thousand Sundowns
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1
Near a rock slope of hill pasture,
grass grows up through a few old bones.
Again, what’s moved past recall
is not past pain. White as the noon-day
Reading into Dusk
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1
On the wood porch I awake
to no sound, but a sense of some change:
light falls across an arm and
I pull back into darkness.