Written from various people from various places and with various points of view.
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 2
Coming Out, Dean Thompson
Spreading Zion Southward?, Michael R. Warner
Errors of Men, Marc A. Schindler
Other Standards, Gary James Bergera
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 1
Historic letters from the archives in Dialogue
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Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 3
A Gift of Empowerment, Kimblee Staking
Copying, William L. Knecht
Spiritual Food, Dallas B. Robbins
Those Offending Covers, Stanley B. Kimball
A Fundamental Difference, Craig B. Wilson
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 21, No. 1
Not Faceless I have read with interest R. Jan Stout’s article on homosexuality (Summer 1987), and I have tried to admire him for addressing what liberal Mormons call an “agonizing” issue. He is closer to…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 2
No Crusades Thanks for your hard work and dedication. I realize that the current atmosphere of conservatism and orthodoxy can sometimes be frustrating for those of us who need to ask questions for which there…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 2
Dear Sirs: It has been a long time since any issue of a magazine has given me so much pleasure as the Autumn-Winter, 1971 issue of Dialogue. Even the cover was a delight and all…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 1
Dear Sirs: What ever shadow of doubt may have been cast on one’s loyalty to the Mormon Church through association with Dialogue (especially during the early years) has certainly been dispelled by some recent events.…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 4
Dear Sirs: We had never heard of Dialogue until we made a trip to California to visit the people who had converted us eight years before. It opened up new vistas which we knew must…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 3
Dear Sirs: I was very pleased to read the David L. Wright material in the Summer issue. Jim Miller’s “Introduction” and “Dave Elegy” form an outstanding preface to “The Con science of the Village.” To…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 2
Dear Sirs: I have been very interested in Dialogue since its beginning. Congratulations for a “job well done” in the face of tremendous obstacles. Particularly, I have admired the broad coverage you have given the…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 08, No. 1
Dear Brother Price,
In view of the message regarding Dialogue’s possible demise after this year, which we received with our last issue, it seemed appropriate to include some of my feelings along with our renewal. Although our financial situation doesn’t allow us to become Dialogue Associates, we are sending a gift sub scription and enclosing a token donation.
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Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 3
Dear Sirs:
…. The first issue specified that “Dialogue is not a journal of conservative opinion or a journal of liberal opinion, an evangelical journal or a journal of dissent; it is a forum for exchange of research and opinion across a wide spectrum.”
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Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 2
Dear Sirs: I have just finished reading the First Presidency’s statement in the April Era against pornography and obscenity. As a widow with three young boys to raise I am concerned about the possible dangers…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 1
Dear Sirs: …. The genius of your plan lies in the title, for I think that at present many of us are engaged in a dialogue. Perhaps when we have better defined our position we…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 2
A Can of Worms, Sarah L. Smith
Response to Brigham D. Madsen, No. 1, Ed Kingsley
Response to Brigham D. Madsen, No. 2, Gerry L. Ensley
Response to Brigham D. Madsen, No. 3, Douglass F. Taber
Response to Brigham D. Madsen, No. 4, Gary Rummler
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 3
“Coming Out” Again, Joanna Brooks
Building the Kingdom with Total Honesty, Boyd Kirkland
Dilemmas Everywhere, Armand L. Mauss
A Warm, Grateful Feeling, Lane J. Wolfley
True Intolerance, Thomas G. Alexander
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 1
Dear Sirs:
Boycotts at BYU have reached our ears here. Considering the official and unofficial discrimination at the “Y” in the past it is not unexpected. (Actually one boycott lead er was from a black LDS family in Oakland)….
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Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 3
Dear Sirs: This is to acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of your letter of December 6. The honor accorded me* I consider a great one indeed, the more so as I reflect on the many…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 1
Douglas F. Tobler, Writing Something That Matters
Jerry and Dixie Partridge, Good Wishes to the New Staff
Robert Rees, In Praise of Editorial Teams
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 2
John-Charles Duffy, Unhealthy Rhetoric
Robert A. Rees, Response to Tobler
Lori Levinson, A Final Thank You
Neal Chandler, Correction
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 3
Mike Oborn, Song of Songs
Robert M. Price, Reply to Professor Hamblin
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 4
D. Jeff Burton, Tolerance for “Cultural Mormons”
Gerry L. Ensley, Joseph, Peepstones, and Pirates
Dan Vogel, Serving Two Masters
Gary James Bergera, Civility, Compassion, Honesty
Richard L. Bushman, Fair-Minded People
Sarah Barringer Gordon, Jana Riess, and Valeen Tippetts Avery, An Excess of Zeal
Ralf Gruenke, Room for Reason and Study
Doug Ward, Respecting Opposite Opinions
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1
Leslie and Morgan Dubiel, Mormons and the Arts
Jeddy LeVar, Mormon Peacekeeping in Practice
Chris Conkling, Animadversions
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 2
Gary James Bergera, Signature Books Defended
Robert Garrett, Hamblin Ad Hominem?
James L. Rasmussen, Erotic Literature and the Lord
Stephen Lamb, Sexual Morality Revisited
Letter to the Editor: “Apostates,” “Anti-Mormons,” and Other Problems in Seth Payne’s “Ex-Mormon Narratives and Pastoral Apologetics”
Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 2
Letters to the Editor
Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 4
Dear Sirs: I am enclosing a check for $20.00 as a donation to Dialogue. I sincerely appreciate the efforts which have been made by the Dialogue staff to present such stimulating material. I will do…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 3
Dear Sirs: With all the rhetoric in and out of the Church about law and order, I think it wise to get perspective on our objectivity. Thusly, I offer for consideration this statement: “The streets…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 2
Dear Sirs: We enjoyed your recent satire on provincial Mormonism (published as a review of The Graduate by one Rustin Kaufman). H. L. Mencken could not have inserted the knife more deftly. It takes an…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 1
Dear Sirs: Your poemed portraits proveth much(They prove both plus and minus) So let old Ernie have his view—Give deference to his highness. Robert Baer El Cerrito, Calif. *** Dear Sirs: I have read with interest the…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 3
Dear Sirs: As a Dialogue subscriber, I was recently favored with a letter from the “Lloyd for Congress Committee,” asking for a contribution to support a Dr. Kent Lloyd, Ph.D., who is running for Congress…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 01, No. 4
Dear Sirs: . . . . I borrowed the first two issues and have read each one with a great sense of gratitude. I knew it — I knew you were there somewhere, you people…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 1
Dear Sirs: . . . . Dialogue can become a source of intellectual sastisfaction that will complement and augment the spiritual satisfaction abundantly provided by the Church. To become such a source it must be…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 3
Dear Sirs: After Udall’s letter, what now? Despite the possible political implications of Stewart Udall’s letter, I hailed it as a welcome voice on a subject generally veiled in public silence. And yet after the…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 4
Dear Sirs: I enjoyed William Robinson’s article [Autumn, 1968], “Mormons in the Urban Community.” In order to expose our children to something other than our very isolated Mormon community (Utah Valley), two years ago we…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 2
The letters in this issue reflect accurately the relative quantity of letters received on the different subjects as well as the various points of view. Dear Sirs: I am much interested in the cover of…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 1
Dear Sirs: . . . I could not agree more with the comments and views expressed by McMurrin and Bitton (Winter, 1967). I became an ardent admirer of B. H. Roberts from the moment when,…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 4
Dear Sirs: Re: Secretary Udall’s letter The Lord has not spoken, The Prophet is silent, And so am I. Alexander T. Stecker Belmont, Massachusetts *** Dear Sirs: You wanted a Dialogue—so now you have a dialogue;…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 2
Dialogue 2.2 (Summer 1967): 5–7
In this important historical letter, Stewart Udall reflects on the need for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to reconsider its historical stance on race, particularly its practice of denying full fellowship to Black individuals. Udall argues that this practice, rooted in the belief in a divine curse on Black people, contradicts the principles of equality and brotherhood that the Church should embody. He concludes asserting that the time has come for the Church to abandon its racial restrictions and embrace full fellowship with Black individuals. He argues that recognizing the worth of all people, irrespective of race, is essential for the Church to fulfill its spiritual and moral ideals and to contribute positively to society’s progress toward greater human brotherhood.